About Our Shutter Plywood Tie-rod hole repair inserts

Tie-rod hole repair inserts are mainly used to repair warn tie-rod holes in the corners
and the sides of shutter plywood used in formwork.
Tie-rod hole repair inserts are mainly used to repair warn tie-rod holes in the corners
and the sides of shutter plywood used in formwork.
Shutterply is mainly used for shuttering or formwork. It is film coated for exterior use. Shutterply can
be used a number of times and may be repaired quite easily. You can use our
tie rod hole repair plugs to repair tie rod hole in the corner and on the sides of the shutter plywood.
In addition to our shutter plywood, Rebar, Mesh and Construction Supplies (Pty) Ltd supplies a wide
range of prodcts for concrete formwork such as corner fillets or chamfers, ferrule tubing, ferrule cones,
grouting profiles, DYWIDAG rods, tie rods, tie nuts, ferrule jacks and dollies, Groutex®, Jointex®,
shutter buttons and shutter plugs, tie rod hole repair plugs, shutter oil, water stoppers,
water stopper reducers and shutter tape.